Let's learn for knowledge!
Learning with inquiry method
What is inquiry learning?
What inquiry is not?
About project
Project participants
Project results
Nacional Quality Label
European Quality Label
Our activities
Plastic world
Video meeting - Plastic world
Differential calculus
Differential calculus (the first phase)
Diferential calculus-second phase
Differential calculus (third phase)
Hunting the stars
Preparations for the video conference Hunting the stars
Hunting the stars - virtual meeting
Energy sources alternative to nuclear energy
Energy sources alternative to nuclear energy - online meetinig via skypeEnergy sources alternative to nuclear energy - online meetinig via skype
Eratosthenes Experiment 2016
Eratosthenes experiment - High school ,,Orde Chopela" Prilep (Macedonia)
Eratosthenes experiment - Electrotehnical School ,,Nikola Tesla" Nish, Serbia
Eratosthenes experiment - Technical School ,,15th May" Prokuplje, Serbia
Big science neolit party in arheological park Plocnik
Facebook page
Media about project activities
Hunting the stars - third virtual meeting on 25th of february 2016